Ammaron is a consultant with The RBL Group, focusing on leadership development, HR transformation, HR strategy, HR business partner development, organization design including culture and behavioural frameworks, restructuring and performance management.
Ammaron is a consultant with The RBL Group, focusing on leadership development, HR transformation, HR strategy, HR business partner development, organization design including culture and behavioural frameworks, restructuring and performance management.
Ammaron has worked as the European HR Director for a global-not-for-profit organization and as an HR consultant in both the public and private sectors. In these roles, Ammaron partnered with senior business leaders to achieve business objectives and build organizational capabilities by aligning and leading human resources activities such as succession planning, leadership development, performance management, staffing and talent management, and development of compensation and reward programs.
Receiving his education in England, Ammaron earned an MBA from the University of Leicester, a bachelor’s degree in Human Resource Management, is a Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (MCIPD) and has over 13 years results-focused experience.
Ammaron is certified in the RBL Leadership Code 360 and MENTOR® leadership assessment tool which specifically targets identifying the key leadership attributes that predict leader success in both public and private sector organizations.
He has worked extensively throughout the UK and Europe and has also delivered in both the Middle East and the USA and enjoys both watching and playing football and going on family hikes with his wife and children.